Bethany-Rose Daubman, MD
Bethany-Rose (BR) Daubman, MD, is Co-Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Global Palliative Care Program, an Associate in Global Health of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health, an Affiliate of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School through the Program in Global Palliative Care, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Daubman's work is focused on educational interventions to relieve suffering for vulnerable populations within the US, globally, and through disaster response. She has partnered with local palliative care leaders to develop educational programs and expand services in countries such as Jamaica, Brazil, and Chile.
Somewhat closer to home, and in collaboration with the Northern Plains American Indian Palliative Care Collaborative, a Community Advisory Board of enrolled Tribal members, and the Massachusetts General Hospital Rural Health Program, Dr. Daubman is working to develop culturally-responsive palliative care for American Indian communities in South Dakota.
Dr. Daubman is a co-Investigator on an R01 Advancing Palliative Care in Northern Plains American Indians. She is also a Cambia Health Foundation Sojourns Scholar advancing community palliative care through development of culturally-responsive palliative care training for Community Health Workers delivering care in Northern Plains Tribal communities. She received a Harvard Medical School Eleanor and Miles Shore Faculty Development Award Harvard in honor of Carol K. Bates, MD for her work developing and implementing a sustainability curriculum for palliative care “Wawokiya” Community Health Workers in these Tribal communities.
She is also co-PI on a Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health "Global Health is Local" grant focused on "Earning Trust and Developing Emotional Synchrony: Communication Training for Working with Patients and Families from Marginalized Populations."
J Palliat Med
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J Pain Symptom Manage
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J Palliat Med
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