Chunling Lu, Ph.D.
Dr. Lu studied international relations (BA) and political science (MA) at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, and sociology (MA) and applied statistics (MS) at Syracuse University, where she also received her PhD in economics. She received postdoctoral training on health care policy analysis at the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Health Care Policy, and joined the School’s Department of Global Health and Social Medicine in 2008 after three-years work at the Harvard Institute for Global Health as Senior Research Associate.
- Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies
- Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University
Dr. Lu’s research has three emphases: (1) investigating child and adolescent health and well-being at the global, regional, and country levels with a special focus on resources invested and the related outcomes; (2) conducting economic evaluation of health policy or medical interventions; and (3) developing data and methods to facilitate the investigations in the first and second areas. Dr. Lu has been serving as a member of the Joint Technical Working Group for Early Childhood Development Metrics hosted by the UNICEF, WHO, and World Bank. She is a technical consultant and contributor to the UNESCO Global Report on Early Childhood Care & Education in 2024. She serves as a commissioner to the Lancet Series on Adolescent Health and Well-Being (2022-2025) and leads an investigation on financing adolescent health and well-being. She also leads a series, commissioned by The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, on resource allocation to child and adolescent mental health and related cost-effective interventions in the Western Pacific region. Dr. Lu is leading costs and cost-effectiveness analyses for projects, funded by NIH, that focus on delivering mental health and nurturing care by training community health workers in rural India and Guatemala. She obtained the Fulbright US Scholarship and conducted research and teaching at the National Taiwan University in 2024.
J Affect Disord
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Contemp Clin Trials
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Clin Infect Dis
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J Adolesc Health
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BMJ Glob Health
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BMJ Open
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J Telemed Telecare
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BMC Pediatr
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