Image of Devon Hinton

Devon Emerson Hinton, M.D.

Devon E. Hinton, M.D, Ph.D., is an anthropologist and psychiatrist, and an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine.

He and his team have developed a manualized treatment that can be culturally adapted for the treatment of traumatized refugees, a treatment that has been shown to be effective for multiple groups including Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees and Spanish-speaking populations.

He is fluent in several languages including Cambodian and Spanish. He was a member of the DSM-V Cultural Study Group and an advisor to the Anxiety, OC, Posttraumatic, and Dissociative Disorders Work Group of DSM–V (American Psychiatric Association). He is the author of over a 130 articles and over 30 chapters, and is the co-editor of four volumes: Culture and Panic Disorder (Stanford University Press), 2009; Genocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, and Recovery (Cambridge University Press), 2015; Culture and PTSD: Trauma in Global and Historical Perspective (University of Penn Press), 2016; and The DSM-5 Handbook on the Cultural Formulation (American Psychiatric Press). 2016.


Program in Global Mental Health and Social Change

 Dr. Devon Hinton has researched culturally specific presentations of somatic symptoms, panic attacks, panic disorder, and PTSD among Southeast Asian populations, particularly Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees, and among Latino populations.

Ataque de nervios: relationship to anxiety sensitivity and dissociation predisposition.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Chong R, Pollack MH, Barlow DH, McNally RJ.
Depress Anxiety
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The panic attack-posttraumatic stress disorder model: applicability to orthostatic panic among Cambodian refugees.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Hofmann SG, Pitman RK, Pollack MH, Barlow DH.
Cogn Behav Ther
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Orthostatic panic attacks among Vietnamese refugees.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Hinton L, Tran M, Nguyen M, Nguyen L, Hsia C, Pollack MH.
Transcult Psychiatry
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Orthostatic panic as a key Vietnamese reaction to traumatic events: the case of September 11, 2001.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Nguyen L, Pollack MH.
Med Anthropol Q
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Gastrointestinal-focused panic attacks among Cambodian refugees: associated psychopathology, flashbacks, and catastrophic cognitions.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Chhean D, Fama JM, Pollack MH, McNally RJ.
J Anxiety Disord
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Modifying Exposure-Based CBT for Cambodian Refugees with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Authors: Authors: Otto MW, Hinton DE.
Cogn Behav Pract
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Symptom Presentation and Symptom Meaning Among Traumatized Cambodian Refugees: Relevance to a Somatically Focused Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Otto MW.
Cogn Behav Pract
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Re: 'Self systems, cultural idioms of distress, and the psycho-bodily consequences of childhood suffering', Transcultural Psychiatry.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE.
J Anal Psychol
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Tinnitus among Cambodian refugees: relationship to PTSD severity.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, Hofmann SG, Barlow DH.
J Trauma Stress
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Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in Cambodian refugees using the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale: psychometric properties and symptom severity.
Authors: Authors: Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, Pollack MH, Orr SP, Pitman RK.
J Trauma Stress
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