Image of Emily Wroe

Emily Wroe, M.D.

Dr. Emily Wroe is an internist and global and public health specialist, currently serving as a Senior Advisor for Partners In Health’s (PIH) U.S. COVID response as well as the Associate Director of Policy & Implementation for the NCD Synergies Project. She previously served as the Director of Implementation & Design for PIH’s work with the Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative (CTC), where she was responsible for data system design, protocols, and training for a Massachusetts statewide contact tracing program for COVID-19, training more than 4,000 contact tracers. Through this work she also led the Care Resource Coordinator team, a team of almost 200 who worked to connect community members to resources in the community to enable safe and effective isolation and quarantine. Before the pandemic, Dr. Wroe was the Chief Medical Officer for PIH in Malawi for four years, working closely with the Ministry of Health to strengthen health care delivery in the rural district of Neno. In this role, she led the team to redesign the HIV care delivery platform into an integrated approach to include NCDs, launched new community screening programs, and spearheaded a stepped-wedge study of a polyvalent community health worker program. Her work in Malawi expanded to support southern Africa as NCD Synergies’ Associate Director of Policy & Implementation, co-chairing Malawi’s National NCDs & Injuries of Poverty Commission. Dr. Wroe graduated from Harvard Medical School and Harvard school of Public Health and completed residency at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston. She currently is an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Associate Physician in the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham & Women’s Hospital.

Harvard Medical School
260 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Dr. Wroe’s academic interests center around implementation and evaluation of innovative health systems, specifically for chronic disease. Her work has evaluated a novel integrated HIV-NCD clinic in rural Malawi as well as several other operational research projects for chronic disease outcomes for HIV and NCD programs in Malawi. She also has research experience in Community Health Workers, serving as primary lead for a stepped wedge study of a CHW program in Malawi and other initiatives including development of a selection tool, launch of a digital health system, and novel approaches to community screening. Through her NCD Synergies position her work expanded to several countries to investigate the burden of NCDs and its relation to poverty. Currently she continues to work on NCD delivery systems in sub-Saharan Africa and is exploring avenues for incorporation of care resource coordination into public health systems in the U.S.

The Malawi NCD BRITE Consortium: Building Research Capacity, Implementation, and Translation Expertise for Noncommunicable Diseases.
Authors: Authors: van Oosterhout JJ, Hosseinipour M, Muula AS, Amberbir A, Wroe E, Berman J, Maliwichi-Nyirenda C, Mwapasa V, Crampin A, Makwero M, Singogo E, Gopal S, Baker U, Phiri S, Gordon SB, Tobe S, Chiwanda J, Masiye J, Parks J, Mitambo C, Gondwe A, Dullie L, Newsome B, Nyirenda M.
Glob Heart
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Integrated home-based screening for people living with disabilities: A case study from rural Malawi.
Authors: Authors: Petersen EM, Wroe EB, Nyangulu K, Kanyenda C, Njolomole S, Dunbar EL, Kachimanga CZ.
Afr J Disabil
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Determining whether Community Health Workers are 'Deployment Ready' Using Standard Setting.
Authors: Authors: Taylor C, Nhlema B, Wroe E, Aron M, Makungwa H, Dunbar EL.
Ann Glob Health
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The predictive validity of the Living Goods selection tools for community health workers in Kenya: cohort study.
Authors: Authors: Taylor CA, Lilford RJ, Wroe E, Griffiths F, Ngechu R.
BMC Health Serv Res
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Evaluating the use of pathology in improving diagnosis in rural Malawi.
Authors: Authors: Kachimanga C, Phiri A, Manase F, Cundale K, Talama G, Kamiza S, Nazimera L, Jumbe A, Kalanga N, Fosiko N, Masamba L, Wroe EB.
Malawi Med J
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Evaluating the impact of a community health worker programme on non-communicable disease, malnutrition, tuberculosis, family planning and antenatal care in Neno, Malawi: protocol for a stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial.
Authors: Authors: Dunbar EL, Wroe EB, Nhlema B, Kachimanga C, Gupta R, Taylor C, Michaelis A, Cundale K, Dullie L, Jumbe A, Nazimera L, McBain R, Lilford RJ, Watson SI.
BMJ Open
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Delivering comprehensive HIV services across the HIV care continuum: a comparative analysis of survival and progress towards 90-90-90 in rural Malawi.
Authors: Authors: Wroe EB, Dunbar EL, Kalanga N, Dullie L, Kachimanga C, Mganga A, Herce M, Beste J, Rigodon J, Nazimera L, McBain RK.
BMJ Glob Health
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Impact and economic evaluation of a novel HIV service delivery model in rural Malawi.
Authors: Authors: McBain RK, Petersen E, Tophof N, Dunbar EL, Kalanga N, Nazimera L, Mganga A, Dullie L, Mukherjee J, Wroe EB.
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A Novel Scenario-Based Interview Tool to Evaluate Nontechnical Skills and Competencies in Global Health Delivery.
Authors: Authors: Wroe EB, McBain RK, Michaelis A, Dunbar EL, Hirschhorn LR, Cancedda C.
J Grad Med Educ
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Reframing noncommunicable diseases and injuries for the poorest Malawians: the Malawi National NCDI Poverty Commission.
Authors: Authors: Cundale K, Wroe E, Matanje-Mwagomba BL, Muula AS, Gupta N, Berman J, Kasomekera N, Masiye J.
Malawi Med J
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