Eric L Krakauer, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Krakauer received MD and PhD degrees from Yale University, trained in internal medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and completed fellowships in general internal medicine and in medical ethics at Harvard Medical School. At Massachusetts General Hospital, where he has practiced medicine and palliative care since 1997, he co-founded one of the first palliative care specialist training programs in the US and co-chaired the hospital’s clinical ethics committee. Since 2001, he has provided training and technical assistance for ministries of health, major hospitals, medical schools, and colleagues in low- and middle-income countries including Vietnam, Bangladesh, Rwanda, Malawi, Haiti, and the Russian Federation, to help integrate palliative care into healthcare systems and healthcare education. While serving as Medical Officer for Palliative Care at the headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Switzerland, he edited WHO manuals on integrating palliative care into primary health care, into pediatrics, and into responses to humanitarian crises. He also has served on the Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care and as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Medicine & Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where he helped to found one of the first academic departments of palliative care in the developing world.
- Visiting Associate Professor and Honorary Chair, Department of Palliative Care, University of Medicine & Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Dr. Krakauer led development of a method for estimating palliative care need in every country in the world for the Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care. His research also addresses ethical issues in palliative care and implementation of palliative care education and clinical services in low- and middle-income countries.
1. Yang F, Leng A, Wang J, Jing J, Leiter RE, Sharma RK, Krakauer EL, Jia Z. Association Between Primary Decision-Maker and Care Intensity Among Patients With Advanced Cancer in Mainland China. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2023 Jan 04; 10499091221150768. PMID: 36598338.
2. Khanali-Mojen L, Akbari ME, Ashrafizadeh H, Barasteh S, Beiranvand S, Eshaghian-Dorcheh A, Karami M, Khademi F, Krakauer EL, Shirinabadi Farahani A, Rassouli M. Caregivers' Knowledge of and Attitude towards Palliative Care in Iran. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2022 Nov 01; 23(11):3743-3751. PMID: 36444587; PMCID: PMC9930973.
3. Krakauer E, Osman H, Mandil A, Hammerich A. Integrating locally-attuned palliative care into health care systems in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. East Mediterr Health J. 2022 Aug 31; 27(8):555-556. PMID: 36134486.
4. Pourghazian N, Krakauer E, Salama S, Fadhil I, Osman H. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Palliative Care Expert Network: Designing a roadmap for palliative care development in the region. East Mediterr Health J. 2022 Aug 31; 27(8):610-613. PMID: 36134493.
5. Krakauer E, Al-Shammary SA, Duraisamy B, Rassouli M, Rizkallah R, Fadhil S, Osman H. Palliative care models and innovations in 4 Eastern Mediterranean Region countries: a case-based study. East Mediterr Health J. 2022 Aug 31; 27(8):622-628. PMID: 36134495.
6. Ntizimira C, Deo MS, Dunne M, Krakauer E. Decolonizing end-of-life care: lessons and opportunities. Ecancermedicalscience. 2022; 16:ed121. PMID: 35702412; PMCID: PMC9116996.
7. Daubman BR, Stoltenberg M, Kane K, Tulsky JA, Krakauer EL, Greco L, Jackson VA. Analyzing the Unique Needs of International Palliative Care Learners Attending a United States-Based Palliative Care Education and Practice Course. J Palliat Med. 2021 11; 24(11):1721-1724. PMID: 34424736.
8. Daubman BR, Stoltenberg M, Spence D, Krakauer EL, Farrell S, Traeger L, Thomas R, Bromfield B, Sharpe N, Toppin PJ, Paul T, Schachter AB, Shields AE. Implementing Palliative Care Training in the Caribbean: Development and Assessment of a Basic Palliative Care Training Course in Jamaica. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 12; 62(6):1145-1153. PMID: 34146660.
9. Le Dai D, Pham TVA, Bui TTH, Than TNH, Pham VT, Luong NK, Harding R, Krakauer EL. Symptom prevalence, burden and correlates among people living with HIV in Vietnam: a two-centre self-report study. AIDS Care. 2022 07; 34(7):887-893. PMID: 34133248.
10. Drutchas A, Kavanaugh A, Cina K, Rinehart T, Krakauer EL, Doyle K, Davila C, Byrne-Martelli S, Kamdar M. Innovation in a Crisis: Lessons Learned from the Rapid Development of an End-of-Life Palliative Care Unit during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Palliat Med. 2021 Sep; 24(9):1280-1283. PMID: 34096800.
11. Krakauer EL, Kane K, Kwete X, Afshan G, Bazzett-Matabele L, Ruthnie Bien-Aimé DD, Borges LF, Byrne-Martelli S, Connor S, Correa R, Devi CRB, Diop M, Elmore SN, Gafer N, Goodman A, Grover S, Hasenburg A, Irwin K, Kamdar M, Kumar S, Truong QXN, Randall T, Rassouli M, Sessa C, Spence D, Trimble T, Varghese C, Fidarova E. Essential Package of Palliative Care for Women With Cervical Cancer: Responding to the Suffering of a Highly Vulnerable Population. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 06; 7:873-885. PMID: 34115527.
12. Krakauer EL, Kane K, Kwete X, Afshan G, Bazzett-Matabele L, Ruthnie Bien-Aimé DD, Borges LF, Byrne-Martelli S, Connor S, Correa R, Devi CRB, Diop M, Elmore SN, Gafer N, Goodman A, Grover S, Hasenburg A, Irwin K, Kamdar M, Kumar S, Nguyen Truong QX, Randall T, Rassouli M, Sessa C, Spence D, Trimble T, Varghese C, Fidarova E. Augmented Package of Palliative Care for Women With Cervical Cancer: Responding to Refractory Suffering. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 06; 7:886-895. PMID: 34115537.
13. Krakauer EL, Kwete X, Kane K, Afshan G, Bazzett-Matabele L, Bien-Aimé DDR, Byrne-Martelli S, Connor S, Correa R, Devi CRB, Diop M, Gafer N, Goodman A, Grover S, Hasenburg A, Irwin K, Thanh Khanh Q, Kumar S, Nevzorova D, Truong QXN, Rajagopal MR, Randall T, Rassouli M, Sessa C, Spence D, Torode JS, Trimble T, Varghese C, Fidarova E. Cervical Cancer-Associated Suffering: Estimating the Palliative Care Needs of a Highly Vulnerable Population. JCO Glob Oncol. 2021 06; 7:862-872. PMID: 34115522.
14. Nguyen TL, Annoussamy LSC, Krakauer EL. Creation and validation of a Vietnamese version of the Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale. Int J Palliat Nurs. 2021 May 02; 27(3):147-156. PMID: 34038177.
15. Huyen BT, Van Anh PT, Duong LD, The THN, Guo P, Van Thuc P, Khue LN, Krakauer EL, Harding R. Quality of life among advanced cancer patients in Vietnam: a multicenter cross-sectional study. Support Care Cancer. 2021 Aug; 29(8):4791-4798. PMID: 33537888; PMCID: PMC8236448.
16. Pham VA, Nguyen H, Krakauer EL, Harding R. "I Wish I Could Die So I Would Not Be in Pain": A Qualitative Study of Palliative Care Needs Among People With Cancer or HIV/AIDS in Vietnam and Their Caregivers. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 08; 62(2):364-372. PMID: 33285274.
17. Harding R, Carrasco JM, Serrano-Pons J, Lemaire J, Namisango E, Luyirika E, Immanuel T, Paleri AK, Mathews L, Chifamba D, Mupaza L, Martínez CL, Zirimenya L, Bouësseau MC, Krakauer EL. Design and Evaluation of a Novel Mobile Phone Application to Improve Palliative Home-Care in Resource-Limited Settings. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 07; 62(1):1-9. PMID: 33246073.
18. Schleimer LE, Desameau PG, Damuse R, Olsen M, Manzo V, Cardenas C, Mehrtash H, Krakauer EL, Masamba L, Wang C, Bhatt AS, Shulman LN, Huang FW. Assessing and Addressing the Need for Cancer Patient Education in a Resource-Limited Setting in Haiti. Oncologist. 2020 12; 25(12):1039-1046. PMID: 32335989.
19. Stoltenberg M, Spence D, Daubman BR, Greaves N, Edwards R, Bromfield B, Perez-Cruz PE, Krakauer EL, Argentieri MA, Shields AE. The central role of provider training in implementing resource-stratified guidelines for palliative care in low-income and middle-income countries: Lessons from the Jamaica Cancer Care and Research Institute in the Caribbean and Universidad Católica in Latin America. Cancer. 2020 05 15; 126 Suppl 10:2448-2457. PMID: 32348569.
20. Rosa WE, Krakauer EL, Farmer PE, Karanja V, Davis S, Crisp N, Rajagopal MR. The global nursing workforce: realising universal palliative care. Lancet Glob Health. 2020 03; 8(3):e327-e328. PMID: 32087163.
21. Taylor GH, Krakauer EL, Sanders JJ. "Find Out What They Lack, Try to Provide": A Qualitative Investigation of Palliative Care Services Adapted to Local Need in a Low-Resource Setting. J Palliat Med. 2020 06; 23(6):792-800. PMID: 31910351.
22. Tsao L, Slater SE, Doyle KP, Cuong DD, Khanh QT, Maurer R, Minh Thy DN, Quoc Thinh DH, Tuan TD, Van Dung D, Khue LN, Krakauer EL. Palliative Care-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Assessment Among Physicians in Vietnam. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2019 12; 58(6):1015-1022.e10. PMID: 31425821.
23. Krakauer EL, Dheda K, Kalsdorf B, Kuksa L, Nadkarni A, Nhung NV, Selwyn P, Shin S, Skrahina A, Jaramillo E. Palliative care and symptom relief for people affected by multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2019 08 01; 23(8):881-890. PMID: 31533877.
24. Krakauer EL, Daubman BR, Aloudat T. Integrating palliative care and symptom relief into responses to humanitarian crises. Med J Aust. 2019 09; 211(5):201-203.e1. PMID: 31373022.
25. Elmore SNC, Grover S, Bourque JM, Chopra S, Nyakabau AM, Ntizimira C, Krakauer EL, Balboni TA, Gospodarowicz MK, Rodin D. Global palliative radiotherapy: a framework to improve access in resource-constrained settings. Ann Palliat Med. 2019 Jul; 8(3):274-284. PMID: 30823841; PMCID: PMC7050283.
26. Rhee JY, Foley K, Morrison RS, Centeno C, Krakauer EL. Training in Global Palliative Care Within Palliative Medicine Specialist Training Programs: A Moral Imperative. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 05; 55(5):e2-e4. PMID: 29428189.
27. Jamison DT, Alwan A, Mock CN, Nugent R, Watkins D, Adeyi O, Anand S, Atun R, Bertozzi S, Bhutta Z, Binagwaho A, Black R, Blecher M, Bloom BR, Brouwer E, Bundy DAP, Chisholm D, Cieza A, Cullen M, Danforth K, de Silva N, Debas HT, Donkor P, Dua T, Fleming KA, Gallivan M, Garcia PJ, Gawande A, Gaziano T, Gelband H, Glass R, Glassman A, Gray G, Habte D, Holmes KK, Horton S, Hutton G, Jha P, Knaul FM, Kobusingye O, Krakauer EL, Kruk ME, Lachmann P, Laxminarayan R, Levin C, Looi LM, Madhav N, Mahmoud A, Mbanya JC, Measham A, Medina-Mora ME, Medlin C, Mills A, Mills JA, Montoya J, Norheim O, Olson Z, Omokhodion F, Oppenheim B, Ord T, Patel V, Patton GC, Peabody J, Prabhakaran D, Qi J, Reynolds T, Ruacan S, Sankaranarayanan R, Sepúlveda J, Skolnik R, Smith KR, Temmerman M, Tollman S, Verguet S, Walker DG, Walker N, Wu Y, Zhao K. Universal health coverage and intersectoral action for health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. Lancet. 2018 03 17; 391(10125):1108-1120. PMID: 29179954; PMCID: PMC5996988.
28. Knaul FM, Farmer PE, Krakauer EL, De Lima L, Bhadelia A, Jiang Kwete X, Arreola-Ornelas H, Gómez-Dantés O, Rodriguez NM, Alleyne GAO, Connor SR, Hunter DJ, Lohman D, Radbruch L, Del Rocío Sáenz Madrigal M, Atun R, Foley KM, Frenk J, Jamison DT, Rajagopal MR. Alleviating the access abyss in palliative care and pain relief-an imperative of universal health coverage: the Lancet Commission report. Lancet. 2018 04 07; 391(10128):1391-1454. PMID: 29032993.
29. Krakauer EL, Muhimpundu MA, Mukasahaha D, Tayari JC, Ntizimira C, Uhagaze B, Mugwaneza T, Ruzima A, Mpanumusingo E, Gasana M, Karamuka V, Nkurikiyimfura JL, Park P, Barebwanuwe P, Tapela N, Elmore SN, Bukhman G, Leng M, Grant L, Binagwaho A, Sezibera R. Palliative Care in Rwanda: Aiming for Universal Access. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 02; 55(2S):S77-S80. PMID: 28803090.
30. Krakauer EL, Thinh DHQ, Khanh QT, Huyen HTM, Tuan TD, The THN, Cuong DD, Thuan TV, Yen NP, Van Anh P, Cham NTP, Doyle KP, Yen NTH, Khue LN. Palliative Care in Vietnam: Long-Term Partnerships Yield Increasing Access. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018 02; 55(2S):S92-S95. PMID: 28803076.
31. Sharkey L, Loring B, Cowan M, Riley L, Krakauer EL. National palliative care capacities around the world: Results from the World Health Organization Noncommunicable Disease Country Capacity Survey. Palliat Med. 2018 01; 32(1):106-113. PMID: 28677988.
32. Robinson EM, Cage W, Erler K, Brackett S, Bandini J, Cist A, Cremens MC, Krakauer EL, Courtwright A. Structure, Operation, and Experience of Clinical Ethics Consultation 2007-2013: A Report from the Massachusetts General Hospital Optimum Care Committee. J Clin Ethics. 2017; 28(2):137-152. PMID: 28614077.
33. Krakauer EL, Rajagopal MR. End-of-life care across the world: a global moral failing. Lancet. 2016 Jul 30; 388(10043):444-6. PMID: 27507744.
34. Riesel JN, Mandigo M, Gillies R, Damuse R, Farmer PE, Cusack JC, Krakauer EL, Shulman LN. Surgical palliative care in resource-limited settings. Lancet. 2015 Aug 08; 386(9993):527. PMID: 25924837.
35. Powell RA, Mwangi-Powell FN, Radbruch L, Yamey G, Krakauer EL, Spence D, Ali Z, Baxter S, De Lima L, Xhixha A, Rajagopal MR, Knaul F. Putting palliative care on the global health agenda. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Feb; 16(2):131-3. PMID: 25638676.
36. Krakauer EL, Nguyen TP, Husain SA, Nguyen TH, Joranson DE, Luong NK, Maurer MA. Toward safe accessibility of opioid pain medicines in Vietnam and other developing countries: a balanced policy method. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2015 May; 49(5):916-22. PMID: 25523889.
37. LeBaron VT, Calderon M, Arreola-Ornelas H, Bhadelia A, Krakauer EL, Leon MX, Lohman D, O'Farrill KP, De Lima L. Developing palliative care capacity in Colombia and Mexico. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov; 32(31_suppl):103. PMID: 28142770.
38. Herce ME, Elmore SN, Kalanga N, Keck JW, Wroe EB, Phiri A, Mayfield A, Chingoli F, Beste JA, Tengatenga L, Bazile J, Krakauer EL, Rigodon J. Assessing and responding to palliative care needs in rural sub-Saharan Africa: results from a model intervention and situation analysis in Malawi. PLoS One. 2014; 9(10):e110457. PMID: 25313997.
39. Courtwright AM, Brackett S, Cadge W, Krakauer EL, Robinson EM. Experience with a hospital policy on not offering cardiopulmonary resuscitation when believed more harmful than beneficial. J Crit Care. 2015 Feb; 30(1):173-7. PMID: 25457115.
40. Paudel BD, Ryan KM, Brown MS, Krakauer EL, Rajagopal MR, Maurer MA, Cleary JF. Opioid availability and palliative care in Nepal: influence of an international pain policy fellowship. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2015 Jan; 49(1):110-6. PMID: 24768596.
41. Courtwright A, Brackett S, Cist A, Cremens MC, Krakauer EL, Robinson EM. The changing composition of a hospital ethics committee: a tertiary care center's experience. HEC Forum. 2014 Mar; 26(1):59-68. PMID: 23907593.
42. De Lima L, Wenk R, Krakauer E, Ferris F, Bennett M, Murray S, Bruera E, Radbruch L. Global framework for noncommunicable diseases: how can we monitor palliative care? J Palliat Med. 2013 Mar; 16(3):226-9. PMID: 23256511.
43. Blinderman CD, Krakauer EL, Solomon MZ. Time to revise the approach to determining cardiopulmonary resuscitation status. JAMA. 2012 Mar 07; 307(9):917-8. PMID: 22396511.
44. Billings JA, Krakauer EL. On patient autonomy and physician responsibility in end-of-life care. Arch Intern Med. 2011 May 09; 171(9):849-53. PMID: 21555664.
45. Harding R, Simms V, Krakauer E, Delima L, Downing J, Garanganga E, Green K, Gwyther L, Lohman D. Quality HIV Care to the End of life. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Feb 15; 52(4):553-4; author reply 554. PMID: 21258107.
46. Krakauer EL, Wenk R, Buitrago R, Jenkins P, Scholten W. Opioid inaccessibility and its human consequences: reports from the field. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2010 Sep; 24(3):239-43. PMID: 20718644.
47. Krakauer EL, Cham NT, Khue LN. Vietnam's palliative care initiative: successes and challenges in the first five years. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2010 Jul; 40(1):27-30. PMID: 20619210.
48. Harding R, Krakauer EL, Sithole Z, De Lima L, Selman L. The 'lost' HIV population: time to refocus our clinical and research efforts. AIDS. 2009 Jan 02; 23(1):145-6. PMID: 19050400.
49. Krakauer EL, Cham NTP, Khue LN. Palliative care and the rights to health and development for all. International Conference on Realizing the Rights to Health and Development for All: Program & Abstracts. 2009; 130-131.
50. Krakauer EL, Quinn TE. Sedation in palliative medicine. In: Hanks G, Cherny N, Christakis N, Fallon MT, Kaasa S, Portenoy RK, eds. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. 2009.
51. Krakauer EL. Listening, advocating, responding, accompanying: palliative care as a fundamental human right. International Conference on Realizing the Rights to Health and Development for All: Program & Abstracts. 2009; 83-84.
52. Krakauer EL, Thuy BB, Van Anh PT, Son VT. Pain among injection drug users with HIV/AIDS in Vietnam. Together! 10th Australian Palliative Care Conference & 8th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference: Conference Handbook. 2009; 51.
53. Nguyen Thi Phuong Cham, Luong Ngoc Khue, David Joranson, Eric L. Krakauer. Improving availability of opioid analgesics in developing countries: the case of Vietnam. International Conference on Realizing the Rights to Health and Development for All: Program & Abstracts. 2009; 144-145.
54. Krakauer EL. Just palliative care: responding responsibly to the suffering of the poor. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2008 Nov; 36(5):505-12. PMID: 18971074.
55. Krakauer EL, Cham NP, Ngoc NM, Green K, Phuong PT, Thi CP, Duc NB, Hien ND, Khue LN. Integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS care in Vietnam: a national public health approach. 2008 HIV/AIDS Implementers' Meeting: Scaling Up Through Partnerships / Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation, Abstract Book. 2008; 252.
56. Green K, Luong KN, Nguyen CT, Nguyen NT, Krakauer EL, Vu PN, Phan PT, Nguyen HT, Burdon R, Mills SJ, Chu TP. The road to pain relief: improving palliative care practice and opioid analgesic availability in Vietnam. 2008 HIV/AIDS Implementers' Meeting: Scaling Up Through Partnerships / Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation, Abstract Book. 2008; 256.
57. Krakauer E. Integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS and cancer care in Vietnam: a national public health approach. Annual Joint Meeting on Immunology Teaching and Research - 2008. 2008; 28.
58. Krakauer EL (ed. . Fellowship Curriculum in Palliative Medicine: Vietnam Ministry of Health & Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care. 2008.
59. Krakauer EL, Cham NTP, Ngoc NTM, Green K, Phuong PT, Thi CP, Yen NP, Duc NB, Hien ND, Khue LN. Integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS care in Vietnam: a national public health approach. XVII International AIDS Conference Abstract Book, Volume 1. 2008; 383.
60. Pahl N, Gwyther L, Krakauer E, Morris C. Review of global policy architecture and country level practice on HIV/AIDS and palliative care. XVII International AIDS Conference Abstract Book, Volume 1. 2008; 552.
61. Krakauer EL, Cham NTP, Khue LN. Integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS and cancer care in Vietnam. Kochipallcon: XV International Conference of the Indian Association of Palliative Care, Proceedings of the Scientific Session. 2008; 235.
62. Krakauer EL (ed. . Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS and Cancer Patients in Vietnam Module 2: Advanced Training Curriculum. 2008.
63. Smith AK, Davis RB, Krakauer EL. Differences in the quality of the patient-physician relationship among terminally ill African-American and white patients: impact on advance care planning and treatment preferences. J Gen Intern Med. 2007 Nov; 22(11):1579-82. PMID: 17879120; PMCID: PMC2219809.
64. Greer DM, Cagliero E, Krakauer EL, Gonzalez RG, Hedley-Whyte ET. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 21-2007. A 58-year-old woman with headaches, weakness, and strokelike episodes. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jul 12; 357(2):164-73. PMID: 17625129.
65. De Lima L, Krakauer EL, Lorenz K, Praill D, Macdonald N, Doyle D. Ensuring palliative medicine availability: the development of the IAHPC list of essential medicines for palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2007 May; 33(5):521-6. PMID: 17482041.
66. Krakauer EL, Ngoc NT, Green K, Van Kham L, Khue LN. Vietnam: integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS and cancer care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2007 May; 33(5):578-83. PMID: 17482051.
67. Greer DM, Cagliero E, Krakauer EL, Gonzalez RG, Hedley-Whyte ET. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. A 58-year-old woman with headaches, weakness, and stroke-like episodes. N Engl J Med. 2007; 357:164-73.
68. Krakauer EL. To be freed from the infirmity of (the) age: subjectivity, life-sustaining treatment, and palliative medicine. In: Biehl J, Good B, Kleinman A, eds. Subjectivity Transformed. 2007.
69. Greer DM, Cagliero E, Krakauer EL, Gonzalez RG, Hedley-Whyte ET. A 58 year-old woman with headaches, weakness, and stroke-like episodes. N Engl J Med. 2007; 357:164-73.
70. Krakauer EL, Cham NTP, Khue LN. Integrating palliative care into HIV/AIDS and cancer care in Vietnam. 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference: Final Program and Book of Abstracts. 2007; 96.
71. Collins K, Dickinson C, Goh C, Harding R, Krakauer E, Hunt J, Morris C, Pahl N. Review of Global Policy Architecture and Country Level Practice on HIV/AIDS and Palliative Care. 2007.
72. Luong KN, Krakauer E, eds, . Guidelines on palliative care for cancer and AIDS patients, English Edition. 2006.
73. Krakauer EL. Vietnam-CDC-Harvard Medical School AIDS Partnership, Training Curriculum in Palliative care for HIV/AIDS and Cancer Patients. 2006.
74. Luong NK, Green K, Le VK, Son VN, Nguyen TMN, Krakauer E, Nguyen MT, Coughlan M. Assessing palliative care needs in Viet Nam: a rapid situation analysis in 5 provinces. XVI International AIDS Conference Abstract Book. 2006.
75. Bui TB, Krakauer EL. Prevalence and impact of pain among intravenous drug users with AIDS in Haiphong, Vietnam. XVI International AIDS Conference Abstract Book. 2006.
76. Krakauer EL, Zhu AX, Bounds BC, Sahani D, McDonald KR, Brachtel EF. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Case 6-2005. A 58-year-old man with esophageal cancer and nausea, vomiting, and intractable hiccups. N Engl J Med. 2005 Feb 24; 352(8):817-25. PMID: 15728815.
77. Krakauer EL, Zhu AX, Bounds BC, Sahani D, McDonald KR, Brachtel EF. A 58 year-old man with esophageal cancer and nausea, vomiting and intractable hiccups. N Engl J Med. 2005; 352:817-25.
78. Krakauer EL. Palliative care. In: Goroll Ah, Mulley AG, eds. Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient. 2005.
79. Krakauer EL. Vietnam-CDC-Harvard Medical School Aids Partnership, Training Curricululm in Antiretroviral Therapy (VCHAP Module II). 2004.
80. Billings JA, Dahlin C, Dungan S, Greenberg D, Krakauer EL, Lawless N, Montgomery P, Reid C. Psychosocial training in a palliative care fellowship. J Palliat Med. 2003 Jun; 6(3):355-63. PMID: 14509481.
81. Block S, Ganzini L, Burt R, Christakis N, Krakauer E. Why Oregon matters: death, assisted suicide and the principle of double effect. Med Ethics (Burlingt Mass). 2003; 10(2):4-7. PMID: 16175727.
82. Hurtado R, Krakauer EL. Constitutional symptoms. In: Selwyn PA, O'Neill JF, eds. A Clinical Guide to Supportive and Palliative Care for HIV/AIDS. 2003.
83. Block S, Ganzini L, Burt R, Christakis N, Krakauer F. Why Oregon matters: death, assisted suicide and the principle of double effect. Med Ethics. 2003; 10:4-7.
84. Krakauer EL. Cultural difference, trust, and optimum care for minority patients (reprint). Forum of the Risk Management Foundation of Harvard Medical Institutions. 2002; 22:12-13.
85. Krakauer EL. Vietnam-CDC-Harvard Medical School AIDS Partnership, Training Curriculum in HIV/AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment (VCHAP Module I). 2002.
86. Krakauer EL, Crenner C, Fox K. Barriers to optimum end-of-life care for minority patients. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002 Jan; 50(1):182-90. PMID: 12028266.
87. Krakauer EL. Pain Control. In: The MGH Medical Housestaff Manual. Reprinted 2002. 2001.
88. Krakauer EL. HMS Advanced Biomedical Sciences course: Pain and Palliative Medicine: from Basic Science to Clinical and Ethical Concerns. 2001.
89. Krakauer EL. Responding to intractable terminal suffering. Ann Intern Med. 2000 Oct 03; 133(7):560; author reply 561-2. PMID: 11015174.
90. Krakauer EL, Penson RT, Truog RD, King LA, Chabner BA, Lynch TJ. Sedation for intractable distress of a dying patient: acute palliative care and the principle of double effect. Oncologist. 2000; 5(1):53-62. PMID: 10706650.
91. Krakauer EL Contributing author. Partners Infectious Diseases Images website, Partners Healthcare System, Inc. 2000.
92. Krakauer EL. Cultural difference, trust, and optimum care for minority patients. Forum of the Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions. Reprinted in: Forum of the Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions 2002; 22:12-13. 2000; 20:6-7.
93. Krakauer EL. Palliative care. In: Goroll AH, Mulley AC, eds. Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient. 2000.
94. Krakauer EL. Prescriptions: autonomy, humanism and the purpose of health technology. Theor Med Bioeth. 1998 Dec; 19(6):525-45. PMID: 10051789.
95. Krakauer EL. The disposition of the subject: reading Adorno's dialectic of technology. 1998.
96. Krakauer EL. Reply to critics (letter to the editor). Hastings Center Report. 1998; 28:6.
97. Krakauer EL, Truog RD. Mistrust, racism, and end-of-life treatment. Hastings Cent Rep. 1997 May-Jun; 27(3):23; discussion 23-5. PMID: 9219020.
98. Krakauer EL, Truog R. Case study: mistrust, racism and end-of-life treatment. Hastings Center Report. 1997; 27:4-6.
99. Krakauer EL. Attending to dying: limitations of medical technology (a resident's perspective). In: Spiro HM, Curnan MG, Wandel LP, eds. Facing death: where culture, religion, and medicine meet. 1996; 22-32.
100. Krakauer EL, Goldstein LE, Sernyak MJ, Woods SW. Schizophrenia and strabismus. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1995 Oct; 183(10):662-3. PMID: 7561813.
101. Krakauer E. On medicine and politics. Yale J Biol Med. 1992 May-Jun; 65(3):243-9. PMID: 1285451; PMCID: PMC2589602.
102. GRILLO J, KRAKAUER E. About the chemotherapy of mycobacillosis. Anal Soc Biol Bogota. 1948 Jul; 3(3):106-11. PMID: 18129072.