Image of Eugene Richardson

Eugene Richardson, M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Dr. Richardson received his MD from Cornell University Medical College and his PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University. He completed residency in Internal Medicine and a fellowship in Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine at Stanford University Medical Center.


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Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Dr. Richardson previously served as the clinical lead for Partners In Health’s Ebola response in Kono District, Sierra Leone, where he continues to conduct research on the social epidemiology of Ebola virus disease and COVID-19. He also worked as a clinical case management consultant for the WHO’s Ebola riposte in Beni, Democratic Republic of the Congo. More recently, he was seconded to the Africa CDC to join their COVID-19 response. His overall focus is on biosocial approaches to epidemic disease prevention, containment, and treatment as well as the health effects of climate change. As part of these efforts, he is co-chair of the Walter and Patricia Rodney Commission on Reparations and co-chair of the Global Environmental Change Commission on Climate Justice.

On the coloniality of global public heath
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET
Medicine Anthropology Theory
Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo, as of May 27, 2018.
Authors: Authors: Kelly JD, Worden L, Wannier SR, Hoff NA, Mukadi P, Sinai C, Ackley S, Chen X, Gao D, Selo B, Mossoko M, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Richardson ET, Rutherford GW, Lietman TM, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW, Porco TC.
PLoS One
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Maternal Mortality and the Metempsychosis of User Fees in Liberia: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
Authors: Authors: Karmbor-Ballah EG, Fallah MP, Silverstein JB, Gilbert HN, Desai IK, Mukherjee JS, Farmer PE, Richardson ET
Scientific African
Food Insecurity as a Risk Factor for Outcomes Related to Ebola Virus Disease in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Authors: Authors: Kelly JD, Richardson ET, Drasher M, Barrie MB, Karku S, Kamara M, Hann K, Dierberg K, Hubbard A, Lindan CP, Farmer PE, Rutherford GW, Weiser SD.
Am J Trop Med Hyg
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Anatomy of a Hotspot: Chain and Seroepidemiology of Ebola Virus Transmission, Sukudu, Sierra Leone, 2015-16.
Authors: Authors: Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Drasher M, Schlough GW, Dierberg K, Koedoyoma S, Lindan CP, Jones JH, Chamie G, Worden L, Greenhouse B, Weiser SD, Porco TC, Rutherford GW, Richardson ET.
J Infect Dis
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Indirect Rule Redux: The Political Economy of Diamond Mining and its Relation to the Ebola Outbreak in Kono District, Sierra Leone
Authors: Authors: Frankfurter RG, Kardas-Nelson M, Benton A, Barrie MB, Dibba Y, Farmer PE, Richardson ET
Review of African Political Economy
The symbolic violence of 'outbreak': A mixed methods, quasi-experimental impact evaluation of social protection on Ebola survivor wellbeing.
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Sesay O, Drasher MD, Desai IK, Frankfurter R, Farmer PE, Barrie MB.
Soc Sci Med
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The predicament of patients with suspected Ebola - Authors' reply.
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET, Fallah MP, Kelly JD, Barrie MB.
Lancet Glob Health
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The Ebola suspect's dilemma.
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET, Barrie MB, Nutt CT, Kelly JD, Frankfurter R, Fallah MP, Farmer PE.
Lancet Glob Health
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Minimally Symptomatic Infection in an Ebola 'Hotspot': A Cross-Sectional Serosurvey.
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Marsh RH, Koedoyoma S, Daboh F, Barron KP, Grady M, Tucker E, Dierberg KL, Rutherford GW, Barry M, Jones JH, Murray MB, Farmer PE.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis
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