Image of  Gail H Cassell

Gail H Cassell, Ph.D.

Dr. Cassell is vice president for TB Drug Development at the Infectious Disease Research Institute in Seattle, Washington, professor emeritus and former chair, Department of Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and former vice president for scientific affairs and distinguished Lilly research scholar for infectious diseases at Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana. She founded the Forum on Drug Discovery, Development and Translation, which she continues to co-chair, at the Institute of Medicine. She has a distinguished record of national service with the National Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control, and several other national and international institutions.


Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Dr. Cassell is a leader on efforts to address multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). She and Barry Bloom, former dean of Harvard School of Public Health, co-lead an Institute of Medicine project on drug supply chain issues related to MDRTB. She actively advises numerous government agencies, NGOs, and foundations on the scale-up of MDRTB diagnosis and treatment in endemic areas around the world, including in Russia. Dr. Cassell is advising the GHSM Sentinel Project on pediatric drug-resistant tuberculosis, a global partnership that aims to develop and deploy evidence-based strategies to prevent child deaths from drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Ureaplasma parvum or Mycoplasma hominis as sole pathogens cause chorioamnionitis, preterm delivery, and fetal pneumonia in rhesus macaques.
Authors: Authors: Novy MJ, Duffy L, Axthelm MK, Sadowsky DW, Witkin SS, Gravett MG, Cassell GH, Waites KB.
Reprod Sci
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Grand challenges for psychiatric drug discovery: a perspective.
Authors: Authors: Brady LS, Giffin RB, Woodcock J, Cassell GH, Holmes EW.
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Recombinant human activated protein C for the postexposure treatment of Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
Authors: Authors: Hensley LE, Stevens EL, Yan SB, Geisbert JB, Macias WL, Larsen T, Daddario-DiCaprio KM, Cassell GH, Jahrling PB, Geisbert TW.
J Infect Dis
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Interactions of the public and private sectors in drug development: boundaries to protect scientific values while preserving innovation.
Authors: Authors: Cassell GH.
Cleve Clin J Med
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The "Achilles heel" of global efforts to combat infectious diseases.
Authors: Authors: Berkelman R, Cassell G, Specter S, Hamburg M, Klugman K.
Clin Infect Dis
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A role for the Mycoplasma pneumoniae adhesin P1 in interleukin (IL)-4 synthesis and release from rodent mast cells.
Authors: Authors: Hoek KL, Duffy LB, Cassell GH, Dai Y, Atkinson TP.
Microb Pathog
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Public health workforce development.
Authors: Authors: Imtiaz R, Cassell G.
Emerg Infect Dis
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Effects of antenatal colonization with ureaplasma urealyticum on pulmonary disease in the immature baboon.
Authors: Authors: Yoder BA, Coalson JJ, Winter VT, Siler-Khodr T, Duffy LB, Cassell GH.
Pediatr Res
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Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae in asthma: effect of clarithromycin.
Authors: Authors: Kraft M, Cassell GH, Pak J, Martin RJ.
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Mycoplasma pneumoniae-induced activation and cytokine production in rodent mast cells.
Authors: Authors: Hoek KL, Cassell GH, Duffy LB, Atkinson TP.
J Allergy Clin Immunol
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