Image of Julie Rosenberg

Julie Rosenberg, MPH

Lecturer on Global Health and Social Medicine

Julie Rosenberg, MPH uses data-driven, creative strategies to increase access to and creation of digital tools and education for the health workforce in partnership with corporate, academic, and nonprofit partners. She designs and helps to run high-impact global health programs and designs curricula and training programs to allow others to do the same. Julie helps run the annual Global Health Delivery Intensive program that builds on the collection of Cases in Global Health Delivery, which she helped build as a researcher and writer.

Currently, Julie is Associate Director of Better Evidence at Ariadne Labs, a joint center for health system innovation at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She is also Deputy Director of the Global Health Delivery Project, an interdisciplinary collaboration with Harvard Business School and Harvard Medical School. 

Previously, Julie worked in clinical research at Emory University School of Medicine and in community-based nonprofit organizations, including Partners in Health, in Latin America and the US. Julie is pursuing her DrPH in public health leadership. She has an MPH in epidemiology and global health from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and a BA from Harvard College where she majored in anthropology. Her thesis examined the nature and impact of stigma attached to persons with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis in a small shantytown outside Lima, Peru.

Julie’s research focuses on understanding the factors that impact the delivery of health technologies and health care services. She designs frameworks and research projects that have implications for public health leaders, implementers and decision-makers.

Weintraub R, Talbot J, ole-MoiYoi K, Wachter K, Sullivan E, House A, Baron J, Beals A, Beauvais S, Rhatigan J. Strategic, Value-Based Delivery in Global Health Care: Innovations at Harvard University and Brigham and Women's Hospital. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine, May 2011; 78:458-469.

Hirschhorn LR, Talbot J, Irwin A, May M, Dhavan N, Shady R, Ellner A, Weintraub R. From scaling up to sustainability in HIV: Potential lessons for moving forward. Globalization and Health, November 2013; 9:57.

Weintraub R, Talbot J, Wachter K, Cole C, May M, Muraguri N. When scaling prevention means scaling demand: Voluntary medical male circumcision in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, March 2014; 2:69-73.

Rosenberg J, Wachter K, Campbell A, Rhatigan J, Weintraub R, Global Health Delivery Project Case Writing Team. Addressing Complexities in Global Health and Inequities in Global Health Education. Am J Public Health, August 2015; 105:8:e1

Madore A, Rosenberg J, Muyindike W, Bangsberg DR, Bwana, M, Martin JN, Kanyesigye M, Weintraub R. Implementation of electronic medical records requires more than new software: Lessons on integrating and managing health technologies from Mbarara, Uganda. Healthcare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation. December 2015; 264-269.

Valtis YK, Rosenberg J, Bhandari S, Wachter K, Teichman M, Beauvais S, Weintraub R. Evidence-based medicine for all: What we can learn from a programme providing free access to an online clinical resource to health workers in resource-limited settings. BMJ Global Health. May 2016; e000041.

Valtis YK, Rosenberg J, Wachter K, Kisenge R, Mashili F, Chande-Mallya R, Walter T, Kabakambira JD, Egide A, Ntacyabukura B, Weintraub R. Better evidence: Assessing the utility of an Evidence-Based Clinical Resource at the University of Rwanda. BMJ Open. 2019; 9:e026947.

Weintraub R, Subramanian L, Karlage A, Ahmad I, Rosenberg J. COVID-19 Vaccine to Vaccination: Why Leaders Must Invest in Delivery Strategies Now. Health Affairs. 2021 Jan 1:10-377.

Miller K, Rosenberg J, Pickard O, Hawrusik R, Karlage A, Weintraub R. Segmenting Clinicians’ Usage Patterns of a Digital Health Tool in Resource-Limited Settings: Clickstream Data Analysis and Survey Study JMIR Form Res 2022;6(5):e30320 URL: DOI: 10.2196/30320

Kinengyere A, Rosenberg J, Pickard O, Kamya M. Utilization and uptake of the UpToDate clinical decision support tool at the Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS), Uganda. African Health Sciences. 2021 Jun 21(2):904-911. doi:10.4314/ahs.v21i2.52

Rosenberg J, Miller K, Pickard O, Henrich N, Karlage A, Weintraub R. Barriers and facilitators to use of a digital clinical decision support tool: a cohort study combining clickstream and survey data. BMJ Open2022;12:e064952. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064952.

Weintraub R, Miller K, Rader B, Rosenberg J, Srinath S, Woodbury S, Schultheiss M, Kansal M, Vispute S, Serghio S, Fores G, Kumok A, Shekel T, Gabrilovich E, Ahmad I, Chiang M, Brownstein J. Identifying COVID-19 vaccine deserts and ways to reduce them: a digital tool to support public health decision making. American Journal of Public Health. 2023 Mar 113, 363_367,

Rosenberg, J, Juvonen M, Ng M, Arinzeh N, Adanu T, Ninsiima H, Temesgen R, Ajuwon G, Abiodun-Asanre O, Pellegrom S, Weintraub R, Hailu T. Medical Schools in Africa: Seeing Momentum. BMJ Global Health. 2024;February:1–2. doi: bmjgh-2023-014468