One term to transform: universal health coverage through professional community health workers.
Authors: Authors: Ballard M, Dahn B, O'Donovan J, Jiménez A, Kawooya P, Raghavan M, Ganjian N, Johnson AD, Boxer C, Gray K, Palazuelos D, Berry-Moorcroft C, Aranda Z, Iberico MM, Cordier L, Mbewe D, Yegon EK, Ernst J, DiStefano L, Traill T, Finnegan KE, Rakotonirina L, Hofmann R, Sano ED, Johnston JS, Ward V, Westgate C, Shanmugarasa T, Alban R, Mann D, Asmara-Petersen R, Keronyai P, Settle D, Aidam J, Obbuyi A, Oladeji O, Muyingo P, Cho K, Kok M.
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Evaluation of a novel approach to community health care delivery in Ifanadiana District, Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Razafinjato B, Rakotonirina L, Cordier LF, Rasoarivao A, Andrianomenjanahary M, Marovavy L, Hanitriniaina F, Andriamiandra IJ, Mayfield A, Palazuelos D, Cowley G, Ramarson A, Ihantamalala F, Rakotonanahary RJL, Miller AC, Garchitorena A, McCarty MG, Bonds MH, Finnegan KE.
PLOS Glob Public Health
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PLOS Glob Public Health
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Morbidity and mortality burden of COVID-19 in rural Madagascar: results from a longitudinal cohort and nested seroprevalence study.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Rasoloharimanana LT, Rakotonanahary RJ, Evans MV, Miller AC, Finnegan KE, Cordier LF, Cowley G, Razafinjato B, Randriamanambintsoa M, Andrianambinina S, Popper SJ, Hotahiene R, Bonds MH, Schoenhals M.
Int J Epidemiol
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Int J Epidemiol
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Applying a zero-corrected, gravity model estimator reduces bias due to heterogeneity in healthcare utilization in community-scale, passive surveillance datasets of endemic diseases.
Authors: Authors: Evans MV, Ihantamalala FA, Randriamihaja M, Aina AT, Bonds MH, Finnegan KE, Rakotonanahary RJL, Raza-Fanomezanjanahary M, Razafinjato B, Raobela O, Raholiarimanana SH, Randrianavalona TH, Garchitorena A.
Sci Rep
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Sci Rep
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Impact of health system strengthening on delivery strategies to improve child immunisation coverage and inequalities in rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Rajaonarifara E, Bonds MH, Miller AC, Ihantamalala FA, Cordier L, Razafinjato B, Rafenoarimalala FH, Finnegan KE, Rakotonanahary RJL, Cowley G, Ratsimbazafy B, Razafimamonjy F, Randriamanambintsoa M, Raza-Fanomezanjanahary EM, Randrianambinina A, Metcalf CJ, Roche B, Garchitorena A.
BMJ Glob Health
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BMJ Glob Health
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Geographic barriers to care persist at the community healthcare level: Evidence from rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Evans MV, Andréambeloson T, Randriamihaja M, Ihantamalala F, Cordier L, Cowley G, Finnegan K, Hanitriniaina F, Miller AC, Ralantomalala LM, Randriamahasoa A, Razafinjato B, Razanahanitriniaina E, Rakotonanahary RJL, Andriamiandra IJ, Bonds MH, Garchitorena A.
PLOS Glob Public Health
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PLOS Glob Public Health
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Geographic barriers to establishing a successful hospital referral system in rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Ihantamalala FA, Bonds MH, Randriamihaja M, Rakotonirina L, Herbreteau V, Révillion C, Rakotoarimanana S, Cowley G, Andriatiana TA, Mayfield A, Rich ML, Rakotonanahary RJL, Finnegan KE, Ramarson A, Razafinjato B, Ramiandrisoa B, Randrianambinina A, Cordier LF, Garchitorena A.
BMJ Glob Health
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BMJ Glob Health
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Geographic barriers to achieving universal health coverage: evidence from rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Ihantamalala FA, Révillion C, Cordier LF, Randriamihaja M, Razafinjato B, Rafenoarivamalala FH, Finnegan KE, Andrianirinarison JC, Rakotonirina J, Herbreteau V, Bonds MH.
Health Policy Plan
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Health Policy Plan
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Integrating Health Systems and Science to Respond to COVID-19 in a Model District of Rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Rakotonanahary RJL, Andriambolamanana H, Razafinjato B, Raza-Fanomezanjanahary EM, Ramanandraitsiory V, Ralaivavikoa F, Tsirinomen'ny Aina A, Rahajatiana L, Rakotonirina L, Haruna J, Cordier LF, Murray MB, Cowley G, Jordan D, Krasnow MA, Wright PC, Gillespie TR, Docherty M, Loyd T, Evans MV, Drake JM, Ngonghala CN, Rich ML, Popper SJ, Miller AC, Ihantamalala FA, Randrianambinina A, Ramiandrisoa B, Rakotozafy E, Rasolofomanana A, Rakotozafy G, Andriamahatana Vololoniaina MC, Andriamihaja B, Garchitorena A, Rakotonirina J, Mayfield A, Finnegan KE, Bonds MH.
Front Public Health
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Front Public Health
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District-level health system strengthening for universal health coverage: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study in rural Madagascar, 2014-2018.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Miller AC, Cordier LF, Randriamanambintsoa M, Razanadrakato HR, Randriamihaja M, Razafinjato B, Finnegan KE, Haruna J, Rakotonirina L, Rakotozafy G, Raharimamonjy L, Atwood S, Murray MB, Rich M, Loyd T, Solofomalala GD, Bonds MH.
BMJ Glob Health
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BMJ Glob Health
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