Image of Mary C. Smith-Fawzi

Mary C. Smith-Fawzi, C. Smith Fawzi, Sc.D.

Mary C. Smith Fawzi, ScD, is a lecturer at Harvard Medical School in the Program in Infectious Disease and Social Change in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. Dr. Smith Fawzi is an epidemiologist trained at the Harvard School of Public Health with direct experience running NIH-funded research and training projects. She has international experience in study design and/or implementation in Tanzania, Iraq, Thailand, Peru, Haiti, and Kazakhstan. She has trained healthcare professionals in study design, statistical analysis, and proposal development at technical workshops funded by the Tropical Disease Research branch of the World Health Organization.

She has served as the primary instructor for a course titled “Epidemiologic and biostatistical Methods for Global Health” offered at Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School as part of the Global Health Delivery Intensive program. She also co-teaches courses in quantitative methods and mixed methods research through the MMSc-GHD program at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Fawzi has served as the co-PI of a Fogarty International Center-funded training grant in rural Haiti entitled “Scale-up of Community-based HIV Prevention and Care,” a research training program linked with the expansion of HIV services through support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. She has also served as the co-PI of an NIH-funded research study entitled “Psychosocial intervention in HIV-affected children in Haiti” and has co-authored a number of program and policy-related manuscripts for the Joint Learning Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS.

Burden of HIV-related stigma and associated factors among women living with depression accessing PMTCT services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Authors: Authors: Minja AA, Larson E, Aloyce Z, Araya R, Kaale A, Kaaya SF, Kamala J, Kasmani MN, Komba A, Mwimba A, Ngakongwa F, Siril H, Smith Fawzi MC, Somba M, Sudfeld CR, Figge CJ.
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Assessing burden, risk factors, and perceived impact of uterine fibroids on women's lives in rural Haiti: implications for advancing a health equity agenda, a mixed methods study.
Authors: Authors: Millien C, Manzi A, Katz AM, Gilbert H, Smith Fawzi MC, Farmer PE, Mukherjee J.
Int J Equity Health
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Intimate partner violence types and symptoms of common mental disorders in a rural community of Chiapas, Mexico: Implications for global mental-health practice.
Authors: Authors: Aguerrebere M, Frías SM, Smith Fawzi MC, López R, Raviola G.
PLoS One
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Mobile health clinics in the United States.
Authors: Authors: Malone NC, Williams MM, Smith Fawzi MC, Bennet J, Hill C, Katz JN, Oriol NE.
Int J Equity Health
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The value of hope: development and validation of a contextual measure of hope among people living with HIV in urban Tanzania a mixed methods exploratory sequential study.
Authors: Authors: Siril H, Smith Fawzi MC, Todd J, Somba M, Kaale A, Minja A, Killewo J, Mugusi F, Kaaya SF.
BMC Psychol
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Trends in burden and risk factors associated with childhood stunting in Rwanda from 2000 to 2015: policy and program implications.
Authors: Authors: Binagwaho A, Rukundo A, Powers S, Donahoe KB, Agbonyitor M, Ngabo F, Karema C, Scott KW, Smith Fawzi MC.
BMC Public Health
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Healthy Options: study protocol and baseline characteristics for a cluster randomized controlled trial of group psychotherapy for perinatal women living with HIV and depression in Tanzania.
Authors: Authors: Smith Fawzi MC, Siril H, Larson E, Aloyce Z, Araya R, Kaale A, Kamala J, Kasmani MN, Komba A, Minja A, Mwimba A, Ngakongwa F, Somba M, Sudfeld CR, Kaaya SF.
BMC Public Health
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Factors associated with depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation and behaviours amongst sub-Saharan African adolescents aged 10-19 years: cross-sectional study.
Authors: Authors: Nyundo A, Manu A, Regan M, Ismail A, Chukwu A, Dessie Y, Njau T, Kaaya SF, Smith Fawzi MC.
Trop Med Int Health
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A validation study of the Zanmi Lasante Depression Symptom Inventory (ZLDSI) in a school-based study population of transitional age youth in Haiti.
Authors: Authors: Legha RK, Gerbasi ME, Smith Fawzi MC, Eustache E, Therosme T, Fils-Aime JR, Raviola GJ, Affricot E, Pierre EL, Alcindor Y, Severe J, Boyd KA, Grelotti DJ, Darghouth S, Rasmussen A, Becker AE.
Confl Health
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Sequential screening for depression in humanitarian emergencies: a validation study of the Patient Health Questionnaire among Syrian refugees.
Authors: Authors: Poole DN, Liao S, Larson E, Hedt-Gauthier B, Raymond NA, Bärnighausen T, Smith Fawzi MC.
Ann Gen Psychiatry
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