Image of Matthew Bonds

Matthew Bonds, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Matthew Bonds has a PhD in economics and a PhD in (disease) ecology from the University of Georgia. He is an associate professor of global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder & scientific director of PIVOT. His research focuses on 1) the ecology of poverty and economic development; and 2) the science of implementing global health delivery systems. PIVOT works with the Madagascar government to establish a district level model health system for over 200,000 people. With novel data systems at all levels of care (community, primary and secondary care), this partnership is pioneering a new a science of health system transformation, with some of the most rigorously evaluated population level impacts in the world. His work has been supported by a K01 Award from the NIH Fogarty International Center, a Scholar Award in Complex Systems Science from the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and a Rainer Arnhold Fellowship from the Mulago Foundation.

Combining science and social justice, we are advancing an understanding of the ecology of poverty, and strengthening large-scale health service delivery programs to disrupt cycles of poverty and disease (

General ecological models for human subsistence, health and poverty.
Authors: Authors: Ngonghala CN, De Leo GA, Pascual MM, Keenan DC, Dobson AP, Bonds MH.
Nat Ecol Evol
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In Madagascar, Use Of Health Care Services Increased When Fees Were Removed: Lessons For Universal Health Coverage.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Miller AC, Cordier LF, Ramananjato R, Rabeza VR, Murray M, Cripps A, Hall L, Farmer P, Rich M, Orlan AV, Rabemampionona A, Rakotozafy G, Randriantsimaniry D, Gikic D, Bonds MH.
Health Aff (Millwood)
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Disease ecology, health and the environment: a framework to account for ecological and socio-economic drivers in the control of neglected tropical diseases.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Sokolow SH, Roche B, Ngonghala CN, Jocque M, Lund A, Barry M, Mordecai EA, Daily GC, Jones JH, Andrews JR, Bendavid E, Luby SP, LaBeaud AD, Seetah K, Guégan JF, Bonds MH, De Leo GA.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci
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Baseline population health conditions ahead of a health system strengthening program in rural Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Miller AC, Ramananjato RH, Garchitorena A, Rabeza VR, Gikic D, Cripps A, Cordier L, Rahaniraka Razanadrakato HT, Randriamanambintsoa M, Hall L, Murray M, Safara Razanavololo F, Rich ML, Bonds MH.
Glob Health Action
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Acquired and Transmitted Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis: The Role of Social Determinants.
Authors: Authors: Odone A, Calderon R, Becerra MC, Zhang Z, Contreras CC, Yataco R, Galea J, Lecca L, Bonds MH, Mitnick CD, Murray MB.
PLoS One
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Environmental transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans drives dynamics of Buruli ulcer in endemic regions of Cameroon.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Ngonghala CN, Texier G, Landier J, Eyangoh S, Bonds MH, Guégan JF, Roche B.
Sci Rep
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Modeling the burden of poultry disease on the rural poor in Madagascar.
Authors: Authors: Rist CL, Ngonghala CN, Garchitorena A, Brook CE, Ramananjato R, Miller AC, Randrianarivelojosia M, Wright PC, Gillespie TR, Bonds MH.
One Health
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Economic inequality caused by feedbacks between poverty and the dynamics of a rare tropical disease: the case of Buruli ulcer in sub-Saharan Africa.
Authors: Authors: Garchitorena A, Ngonghala CN, Guegan JF, Texier G, Bellanger M, Bonds M, Roche B.
Proc Biol Sci
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The Burden of Livestock Parasites on the Poor.
Authors: Authors: Rist CL, Garchitorena A, Ngonghala CN, Gillespie TR, Bonds MH.
Trends Parasitol
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Rwanda 20 years on: investing in life.
Authors: Authors: Binagwaho A, Farmer PE, Nsanzimana S, Karema C, Gasana M, de Dieu Ngirabega J, Ngabo F, Wagner CM, Nutt CT, Nyatanyi T, Gatera M, Kayiteshonga Y, Mugeni C, Mugwaneza P, Shema J, Uwaliraye P, Gaju E, Muhimpundu MA, Dushime T, Senyana F, Mazarati JB, Gaju CM, Tuyisenge L, Mutabazi V, Kyamanywa P, Rusanganwa V, Nyemazi JP, Umutoni A, Kankindi I, Ntizimira C, Ruton H, Mugume N, Nkunda D, Ndenga E, Mubiligi JM, Kakoma JB, Karita E, Sekabaraga C, Rusingiza E, Rich ML, Mukherjee JS, Rhatigan J, Cancedda C, Bertrand-Farmer D, Bukhman G, Stulac SN, Tapela NM, van der Hoof Holstein C, Shulman LN, Habinshuti A, Bonds MH, Wilkes MS, Lu C, Smith-Fawzi MC, Swain JD, Murphy MP, Ricks A, Kerry VB, Bush BP, Siegler RW, Stern CS, Sliney A, Nuthulaganti T, Karangwa I, Pegurri E, Dahl O, Drobac PC.
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