Image of Matthew Bonds

Matthew Bonds, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Matthew Bonds has a PhD in economics and a PhD in (disease) ecology from the University of Georgia. He is an associate professor of global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder & scientific director of PIVOT. His research focuses on 1) the ecology of poverty and economic development; and 2) the science of implementing global health delivery systems. PIVOT works with the Madagascar government to establish a district level model health system for over 200,000 people. With novel data systems at all levels of care (community, primary and secondary care), this partnership is pioneering a new a science of health system transformation, with some of the most rigorously evaluated population level impacts in the world. His work has been supported by a K01 Award from the NIH Fogarty International Center, a Scholar Award in Complex Systems Science from the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and a Rainer Arnhold Fellowship from the Mulago Foundation.

Combining science and social justice, we are advancing an understanding of the ecology of poverty, and strengthening large-scale health service delivery programs to disrupt cycles of poverty and disease (

On the Productivity of Public Forests: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Mississippi School Trust Timber Production
Authors: Authors: Bonds, MH and DR Hughes
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Host life-history strategy explains pathogen-induced sterility.
Authors: Authors: Bonds MH.
Am Nat
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Higher disease prevalence can induce greater sociality: a game theoretic coevolutionary model.
Authors: Authors: Bonds MH, Keenan DC, Leidner AJ, Rohani P.
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Improving institutional incentives for public land management: an econometric analysis of school trust land leases
Authors: Authors: Bonds, MH and JJ Pompe
Journal of Institutional Economics
Calculating wetland mitigation banking credits: adjusting for wetland function and location
Authors: Authors: Bonds, MH and JJ Pompe
Natural Resources Journal
Isoniazid preventive therapy, hepatitis C virus infection, and hepatotoxicity among injection drug users infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Authors: Authors: Sadaphal P, Astemborski J, Graham NM, Sheely L, Bonds M, Madison A, Vlahov D, Thomas DL, Sterling TR.
Clin Infect Dis
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Effect of isoniazid chemoprophylaxis on HIV-related mycobacterial disease.
Authors: Authors: Graham NM, Galai N, Nelson KE, Astemborski J, Bonds M, Rizzo RT, Sheeley L, Vlahov D.
Arch Intern Med
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