Image of Regan H Marsh

Regan H Marsh, M.D.

Regan Marsh, MD, MPH graduated from Princeton University in 1999, then received her medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She completed her emergency medicine training at the Harvard-Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospitals, and received her Master of Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health.

Dr. Marsh has worked with Partners In Health (PIH) since 2008 in Malawi, Haiti and Sierra Leone. In Haiti, she served as PIH’s lead for emergency medicine development and capacity building and was on the leadership team responsible for opening l’Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (HUM), PIH’s flagship teaching hospital. As Director of Emergency Services at HUM, her team opened the first Emergency Medicine residency in the history of Haiti, now in its fifth year. During the 2014 Ebola epidemic, Dr. Marsh served as the medical director for PIH’s work in Sierra Leone, leading the transition from emergency response to health systems strengthening. She is now the Director of Clinical Systems for PIH's global programs across 10 countries.

Dr. Marsh research and programmatic interests are in health systems strengthening after emergencies, building operational capacity at the hospital level, human resources development for health, and the development of emergency medicine services in resource-poor countries.”

Epidemiology of traumatic injuries presenting to an ED in Central Haiti: a retrospective cohort study.
Authors: Authors: Rouhani SA, Eliacin HC, Edmond MC, Checkett KA, Rimpel L, Marsh RH.
Emerg Med J
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Facing the Shortage of IV Fluids - A Hospital-Based Oral Rehydration Strategy.
Authors: Authors: Patiño AM, Marsh RH, Nilles EJ, Baugh CW, Rouhani SA, Kayden S.
N Engl J Med
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Addressing the immediate need for emergency providers in resource-limited settings: the model of a six-month emergency medicine curriculum in Haiti.
Authors: Authors: Rouhani SA, Israel K, Leandre F, Pierre S, Bollman B, Marsh RH.
Int J Emerg Med
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Gaps in physical access to emergency care in sub-Saharan Africa.
Authors: Authors: Marsh RH, Rouhani SA.
Lancet Glob Health
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Generalized Itching and Lower-Extremity Spasticity in a Patient with Intrathecal Baclofen Pump.
Authors: Authors: Mobolaji-Lawal M, Chaudhuri R, Marsh RH, Miller ES, Bhatia K.
J Emerg Med
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Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature From 2016.
Authors: Authors: Becker TK, Hansoti B, Bartels S, Hayward AS, Hexom BJ, Lunney KM, Marsh RH, Osei-Ampofo M, Trehan I, Chang J, Levine AC.
Acad Emerg Med
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Evaluation of the implementation of the South African Triage System at an academic hospital in central Haiti.
Authors: Authors: Rouhani SA, Aaronson E, Jacques A, Brice S, Marsh RH.
Int Emerg Nurs
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Diffuse Abdominal Pain and Fever in an Elderly Man.
Authors: Authors: Greenwood-Ericksen MB, Nadel ES, Miller ES, Bhatia K, Kinnaman K, Takhar SS, Raja AS, Nagurney JT, Temin ES, White BA, Kimberly HH, Marsh RH, Brown DF.
J Emerg Med
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Minimally Symptomatic Infection in an Ebola 'Hotspot': A Cross-Sectional Serosurvey.
Authors: Authors: Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Marsh RH, Koedoyoma S, Daboh F, Barron KP, Grady M, Tucker E, Dierberg KL, Rutherford GW, Barry M, Jones JH, Murray MB, Farmer PE.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis
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Strengthening Health Systems While Responding to a Health Crisis: Lessons Learned by a Nongovernmental Organization During the Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic in Sierra Leone.
Authors: Authors: Cancedda C, Davis SM, Dierberg KL, Lascher J, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Koroma AP, George P, Kamara AA, Marsh R, Sumbuya MS, Nutt CT, Scott KW, Thomas E, Bollbach K, Sesay A, Barrie A, Barrera E, Barron K, Welch J, Bhadelia N, Frankfurter RG, Dahl OM, Das S, Rollins RE, Eustis B, Schwartz A, Pertile P, Pavlopoulos I, Mayfield A, Marsh RH, Dibba Y, Kloepper D, Hall A, Huster K, Grady M, Spray K, Walton DA, Daboh F, Nally C, James S, Warren GS, Chang J, Drasher M, Lamin G, Bangura S, Miller AC, Michaelis AP, McBain R, Broadhurst MJ, Murray M, Richardson ET, Philip T, Gottlieb GL, Mukherjee JS, Farmer PE.
J Infect Dis
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