Russell Scott Phillips

Russell Scott Phillips, M.D.

William Applebaum Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Director of the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care, Harvard Medical School

Russell S. Phillips, M.D., is director of the Center for Primary Care and the William Applebaum Professor of Medicine and professor of Global Health and Social Medicine. He is a devoted primary care general internist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) where he cares for more than 250 patients, many of whom he has known for more than 20 years. Within the Center, he leads programs that are transforming education and care systems, developing entirely new approaches to improving primary care and health, and performing research on high performing health systems and practices. He is also researching the impact of changes in payment and primary care practice structure on the finances of primary care practices. He is principal investigator of an AHRQ-funded R18 grant to use system engineering to close the loop on referrals, test results and symptom follow-up in primary care practices, and is principal investigator of a HRSA-funded grant to improve systems in primary care in behavioral health integration, oral health integration, and use of community health workers to address social determinants of care.

At BIDMC, he co-led a task force to improve transitions in care, co-led a working group to develop new sustainable practice models for primary care, and led efforts to develop strategies for care management for high-risk patients to address the triple aim of improved patient experience, population health, and cost reduction.

Dr. Phillips seeks to integrate lessons from global health into innovations for advancing primary care. For more information, see his webpage.

Dr. Phillips’ research focuses on quality of care and patient safety, disparities in care, and innovations to improve quality and value in health care. He uses the methods of clinical epidemiology, health services research, and qualitative research and work collaboratively with research teams that often include health economists, statisticians, and health service researchers.

Herbal supplement use and blood lead levels of United States adults.
Authors: Authors: Buettner C, Mukamal KJ, Gardiner P, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Mittleman MA.
J Gen Intern Med
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T'ai chi and qigong for health: patterns of use in the United States.
Authors: Authors: Birdee GS, Wayne PM, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Yeh GY.
J Altern Complement Med
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Am I doing the right thing? Provider perspectives on improving palliative care in the emergency department.
Authors: Authors: Smith AK, Fisher J, Schonberg MA, Pallin DJ, Block SD, Forrow L, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP.
Ann Emerg Med
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Healthcare experiences of limited english-proficient asian american patients: a cross-sectional mail survey.
Authors: Authors: Ngo-Metzger Q, Sorkin DH, Phillips RS.
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Alternative mind-body therapies used by adults with medical conditions.
Authors: Authors: Bertisch SM, Wee CC, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP.
J Psychosom Res
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The impact of psychological factors on placebo responses in a randomized controlled trial comparing sham device to dummy pill.
Authors: Authors: Bertisch SM, Legedza AR, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Stason WB, Goldman RH, Kaptchuk TJ.
J Eval Clin Pract
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Making the most of mentors: a guide for mentees.
Authors: Authors: Zerzan JT, Hess R, Schur E, Phillips RS, Rigotti N.
Acad Med
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Clinical applications of yoga for the pediatric population: a systematic review.
Authors: Authors: Birdee GS, Yeh GY, Wayne PM, Phillips RS, Davis RB, Gardiner P.
Acad Pediatr
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Tai chi exercise for patients with cardiovascular conditions and risk factors: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.
Authors: Authors: Yeh GY, Wang C, Wayne PM, Phillips R.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev
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Yoga for chronic low back pain in a predominantly minority population: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Authors: Authors: Saper RB, Sherman KJ, Cullum-Dugan D, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Culpepper L.
Altern Ther Health Med
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