Sarah Taha, MA is from Beirut, Lebanon and recently graduated from a two-year Master of Science Program in Global Health and Population at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She completed her master’s thesis on the association between parental interactions and early child development outcomes that won the Global Health John Snow Inc. best thesis award at Harvard T.H. Chan. Prior to her masters, she was at Emory University completing her undergraduate degree in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. During her time at Emory she focused her thesis project and her research on the neural correlates of autobiographical memory and autism spectrum disorder, respectively. Ever since she has been transitioning to working on mental health and child development. She was a student research assistant at the Mental Health For All Lab at HMS for a year and a half and is now a full-time research assistant III with the lab working on various projects. Currently, her focus is on the EMPOWER project, which aims to create a digital training platform to build a mental health workforce in the US.